Brand Consultant & Illustrator

Press: The Annapolis Podcast

The Annapolis Podcast

Welcome to the Annapolis Podcast. Join Scott MacMullan for conversations with prominent Annapolitans to discuss these historic and contemporary stories.


Joe Barsin tells the story of creating our new logo!

This week's guest is the phenomenally talented, Annapolis-inspired graphic designer Joe Barsin. Joe has previously been on the podcast to discuss his many Annapolis-inspired graphic designs, his services and his products. This week Joe delves into how we brainstormed, and he created, the brand-spanking-new logo for The Annapolis Podcast. We also talk about his thoughts on Olympic logos and the First Sunday Arts Festival (which he did another stunning logo for.) Somehow Joe did the impossible and summarized the idea and the spirit of this podcast into one simple image. Hope you enjoy the new logo. Thanks, Joe Barsin! You and your wife have been great for Annapolis!


CAUTION, Graphic (design) Content!

This week's guest on The Annapolis Podcast is the illusturious Joe Barsin. Joe and his wife Eva are the graphic designers behind myriad iconic Maryland images, such as the Chesapeake Bay Plate, The Eastport Yacht Clubt Lights Parade branding and The Annapolis Film Festival branding. His wildly popular line of Maryland themed crab flags and mats can be found and seen all over Annapolis. We talk about the Annapolis arts scene and being an entrepreneur in Annapolis. Check out Joe's iconic Citizen Pride products. See his graphic design and illustration work at