Brand Consultant & Illustrator


Branding, Identity, Graphic Design and Illustration stories and information by Joe Barsin, Brand Consultant, JEB Design, Inc.

"It made me hungry!", the new cover design for the March issue of FUNWORLD

It is such a welcome thing to receive emails like these from our clients. Read what Jeremy Schoolfield, the Editor of Funworld magazine, writes about the March issue that has just come out: 

"Hey Joe, Just wanted you to know I've already received tons of positive feedback about the March cover. Everybody has the same response: 'It made me hungry!' I know that thing was a beast, but we nailed it in the end and I think this is going to be a popular issue for us. So thanks again for the great work."
— Jeremy

This is the perfect response for the cover we worked on together. As Jeremy eluded, this cover went through several creative rounds but that is part of the process which I truly enjoy as an illustrator. In this blog, I have placed some of the concepts we considered before reaching the final cover. 

Learn more about Funworld magazine here.
To see more of Joe's design work then head over the JEB Design


The Creative Process for the March 2014 Funworld cover: 


First sketch: Ode to Coney Island!A New Twist!

 Getting closer but too busy.Almost there!